
Guy Brachya, Yanay, Chava , and Linial, Michal . 2006. Synaptic Proteins As Multi-Sensor Devices Of Neurotransmission. Bmc Neuroscience, 7, 1, Pp. S4.
Iris Bahir and Linial, Michal . 2005. The Amino And Carboxyl Termini Of Proteins As A Lead For Functional Classification. Bioinformatics, 1, 1, Pp. 1–1.
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Tali Sadka and Linial, Michal . 2005. Families Of Membranous Proteins Can Be Characterized By The Amino Acid Composition Of Their Transmembrane Domains. Bioinformatics, 21, suppl\_1, Pp. i378–i386.
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Ori Sasson and Linial, Michal . 2005. Protarget: Automatic Prediction Of Protein Structure Novelty. Nucleic Acids Research, 33, suppl\_2, Pp. W81–W84.
Iris Bahir and Linial, Michal . 2005. Proteus: Identifying Signatures In Protein Termini. Nucleic Acids Research, 33, suppl\_2, Pp. W277–W280.
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Yuval Gielchinsky, Linial, Michal , Rechavi, Gideon , Amariglio, Ninette , Jacob-hirsch, Jasmine , Mankuta, David , Ezra, Yossef , and Laufer, Neri . 2004. The Ability To Spontaneously Conceive After 45 Years Of Age Is Associated With An Exceptionally Low Rate Of Spontaneous Abortions And A Distinct Pattern Of Apoptosis/Anti Apoptosis Gene Expression Pattern. American Journal Of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 191, 6, Pp. S76.
Alex Inberg and Linial, Michal . 2004. Evolutional Insights On Uncharacterized Sars Coronavirus Genes. Febs Letters, 577, 1-2, Pp. 159–164.
Noam Kaplan, Sasson, Ori , and Linial, Michal . 2004. Functional Annotation And Protein Families: From Theory To Practice. In The Practical Bioinformatician, Pp. 269–292. World Scientific.
Noam Kaplan, Friedlich, Moriah , Fromer, Menachem , and Linial, Michal . 2004. A Functional Hierarchical Organization Of The Protein Sequence Space. Bmc Bioinformatics, 5, 1, Pp. 196.
