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Shelly Mahlab and Linial, Michal . 2014. Speed Controls In Translating Secretory Proteins In Eukaryotes-An Evolutionary Perspective. Plos Computational Biology, 10, 1, Pp. e1003294.
Nadav Rappoport and Linial, Michal . 2013. Functional Inference By Protonet Family Tree: The Uncharacterized Proteome Of Daphnia Pulex. In Bmc Bioinformatics, 14:Pp. S11. BioMed Central.
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Manor Askenazi and Linial, Michal . 2013. Mass Informatics: From Mass Spectrometry Peaks To Biological Pathways. Israel Journal Of Chemistry, 53, 3-4, Pp. 157–165.
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Yitzhak Friedman, Balaga, Ohad , and Linial, Michal . 2013. Working Together: Combinatorial Regulation By Micrornas. In Microrna Cancer Regulation, Pp. 317–337. Springer.
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Shelly Mahlab, Tuller, Tamir , and Linial, Michal . 2012. Conservation Of The Relative Trna Composition In Healthy And Cancerous Tissues. Rna, 18, 4, Pp. 640–652.
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