
Menachem Fromer, Yanover, Chen , Harel, Amir , Shachar, Ori , Weiss, Yair , and Linial, Michal . 2010. Sprint: Side-Chain Prediction Inference Toolbox For Multistate Protein Design. Bioinformatics, 26, 19, Pp. 2466–2467.
Assaf Gottlieb, Varshavsky, Roy , Linial, Michal , and Horn, David . 2010. Uffizi: A Generic Platform For Ranking Informative Features. Bmc Bioinformatics, 11, 1, Pp. 300.
Janet Thornton. 2009. Annotations For All By All-The Biosapiens Network. Genome Biology, 10, 2, Pp. 401.
Guy Naamati, Askenazi, Manor , and Linial, Michal . 2009. Clantox: A Classifier Of Short Animal Toxins. Nucleic Acids Research, 37, suppl\_2, Pp. W363–W368.
Yosef Prat, Fromer, Menachem , Linial, Nathan , and Linial, Michal . 2009. Codon Usage Is Associated With The Evolutionary Age Of Genes In Metazoan Genomes. Bmc Evolutionary Biology, 9, 1, Pp. 285.
Guy Naamati, Fromer, Menachem , and Linial, Michal . 2009. Expansion Of Tandem Repeats In Sea Anemone Nematostella Vectensis Proteome: A Source For Gene Novelty?. Bmc Genomics, 10, 1, Pp. 593.
Y Bogoch, Nachum-Biala, Y, Linial, M, and Weinstock, M. 2009. P. 1.03 Prenatal Stress Affects Expression Of Genes Related To Synaptic Plasticity In Male And Female Adult Rats. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 19, Pp. S5.
Yaniv Loewenstein, Raimondo, Domenico , Redfern, Oliver C, Watson, James , Frishman, Dmitrij , Linial, Michal , Orengo, Christine , Thornton, Janet , and Tramontano, Anna . 2009. Protein Function Annotation By Homology-Based Inference. Genome Biology, 10, 2, Pp. 207.
Michal Linial, Inberg, Alex , and Kaplan, Noam . 2009. Toxin-Like Polypeptides, Polynucleotides Encoding Same And Uses Thereof.
Iris Bahir, Fromer, Menachem , Prat, Yosef , and Linial, Michal . 2009. Viral Adaptation To Host: A Proteome-Based Analysis Of Codon Usage And Amino Acid Preferences. Molecular Systems Biology, 5, 1.
Knut Reinert, Huber, Christian , Marcus, Kathrin , Linial, Michal , and Kohlbacher, Oliver . 2008. 08101 Abstracts Collection–Computational Proteomics. In Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings. Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
Mourad Elloumi, Küng, Josef , Linial, Michal , Murphy, Robert F, Schneider, Kristan , and Toma, Cristian . 2008. Bioinformatics Research And Development. In Bioinformatics Research And Development: Second International Conference, Bird 2008 Vienna, Austria, July 7-9, 2008 Proceedings, Communications In Computer And Information Science, Volume 13. Isbn 978-3-540-70598-7. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
Mourad Elloumi, Küng, Josef , Linial, Michal , Murphy, Robert , Schneider, Kristan , and Toma, Cristian . 2008. Bioinformatics Research And Development: Second International Conference, Bird 2008, Vienna, Austria, July 7-9, 2008 Proceedings. Springer Science & Business Media.
Yaniv Loewenstein and Linial, Michal . 2008. Connect The Dots: Exposing Hidden Protein Family Connections From The Entire Sequence Tree. Bioinformatics, 24, 16, Pp. i193–i199.
Yoel Bogoch and Linial, Michal . 2008. Coordinated Expression Of Cytoskeleton Regulating Genes In The Accelerated Neurite Outgrowth Of P19 Embryonic Carcinoma Cells. Experimental Cell Research, 314, 4, Pp. 677–690.
Yaniv Loewenstein, Portugaly, Elon , Fromer, Menachem , and Linial, Michal . 2008. Efficient Algorithms For Accurate Hierarchical Clustering Of Huge Datasets: Tackling The Entire Protein Space. Bioinformatics, 24, 13, Pp. i41–i49.
Chava Yanay, Morpurgo, Noa , and Linial, Michal . 2008. Evolution Of Insect Proteomes: Insights Into Synapse Organization And Synaptic Vesicle Life Cycle. Genome Biology, 9, 2, Pp. R27.
Yuval Gielchinsky, Bogoch, Yoel , Rechavi, Gideon , Jacob-hirsch, Jasmine , Amariglio, Ninette , Shveiky, David , Linial, Michal , and Laufer, Neri . 2008. Gene Expression In Women Conceiving Spontaneously Over The Age Of 45 Years. Fertility And Sterility, 89, 6, Pp. 1641–1650.
Roy Varshavsky, Horn, David , and Linial, Michal . 2008. Global Considerations In Hierarchical Clustering Reveal Meaningful Patterns In Data. Plos One, 3, 5, Pp. e2247.
Michal Linial, Mesirov, Jill P, Morrison McKay, BJ, and Rost, Burkhard . 2008. Ismb 2008 Toronto. Plos Computational Biology, 4, 6, Pp. e1000094.
