
Tony Azzam, Eliyahu, Hagit , Makovitzki, Arik , Linial, Michal , and Domb, Abraham J. 2004. Hydrophobized Dextran-Spermine Conjugate As Potential Vector For In Vitro Gene Transfection. Journal Of Controlled Release, 96, 2, Pp. 309–323.
Menachem Fromer, Friedlich, Moriah , Kaplan, Noam , Linial, Nathan , and Linial, Michal . 2004. An Information-Theoretic Approach To The Supervised Partitioning Of The Hierarchical Protein Space. Manuscript Available At Http://Www. Ls. Huji. Ac. Il/\~ Michall/Papers/Supervised\_Part\_Prot\_Space. Pdf.
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Ilona Kifer, Sasson, Ori , and Linial, Michal . 2004. Predicting Fold Novelty Based On Protonet Hierarchical Classification. Bioinformatics, 21, 7, Pp. 1020–1027.
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Ori Sasson and Linial, Michal . 2004. Protein Clustering And Classification. In The New Avenues In Bioinformatics, Pp. 203–226. Springer.
Ori Shachar and Linial, Michal . 2004. A Robust Method To Detect Structural And Functional Remote Homologues. Proteins: Structure, Function, And Bioinformatics, 57, 3, Pp. 531–538.
Izhak Michaelevski, Chikvashvili, Dodo , Tsuk, Sharon , Singer-Lahat, Dafna , Kang, Youhou , Linial, Michal , Gaisano, Herbert Y, Fili, Oded , and Lotan, Ilana . 2003. Direct Interaction Of Target Snares With The Kv2. 1 Channel Modal Regulation Of Channel Activation And Inactivation Gating. Journal Of Biological Chemistry, 278, 36, Pp. 34320–34330.
Michal Linial. 2003. Fishing With (Proto) Net—A Principled Approach To Protein Target Selection. International Journal Of Genomics, 4, 5, Pp. 542–548.
Michal Linial. 2003. How Incorrect Annotations Evolve–The Case Of Short Orfs. Trends In Biotechnology, 21, 7, Pp. 298–300.
Izhak Michaelevski, Chikvashvili, Dodo , Tsuk, Sharon , Singer-Lahat, Dafna , Kang, Youhou , Linial, Michal , Gaisano, Herbert Y, Fili, Oded , and Lotan, Ilana . 2003. Membrane Transport, Structure, Function, And Biogenesis-Direct Interaction Of Target Snares With The Kv2. 1 Channel. Modal Regulation Of Channel Activation And Inactivation Gating.. Journal Of Biological Chemistry, 278, 36, Pp. 34320–34330.
Michal Linial. 2003. Neurotoxins And Safety-Latches Of The Secretory Process. Secretory Systems And Toxins, Pp. 220.
Noam Kaplan, Vaaknin, Avishay , and Linial, Michal . 2003. Pandora: Keyword-Based Analysis Of Protein Sets By Integration Of Annotation Sources. Nucleic Acids Research, 31, 19, Pp. 5617–5626.
Yaniv Bledi, Inberg, Alex , and Linial, Michal . 2003. Proceed: A Proteomic Method For Analysing Plasma Membrane Proteins In Living Mammalian Cells. Briefings In Functional Genomics, 2, 3, Pp. 254–265.
Ori Sasson, Vaaknin, Avishay , Fleischer, Hillel , Portugaly, Elon , Bilu, Yonatan , Linial, Nathan , and Linial, Michal . 2003. Protonet: Hierarchical Classification Of The Protein Space. Nucleic Acids Research, 31, 1, Pp. 348–352.
Michal Linial, Grasso, Alfonso , and Lazarovici, Phillip . 2003. Secretory Systems And Toxins. CRC Press.
Ilona Kifer, Sasson, Ori , and Linial, Michal . 2003. Target Selection For Structural Genomics Based On Protonet Classification.
Michal Linial, Grasso, Alfonso , and Lazarovici, Phillip . 2003. Vesicular Trafficking On The Late Secretory Pathway In The Budding Yeast, S. Cerevisiae. In Secretory Systems And Toxins, Pp. 99–128. CRC Press.
Yonatan Bilu and Linial, Michal . 2002. The Advantage Of Functional Prediction Based On Clustering Of Yeast Genes And Its Correlation With Non-Sequence Based Classifications. Journal Of Computational Biology, 9, 2, Pp. 193–210.
