
Y Tirosh, Morpurgo, N, Cohen, M, Linial, M, and Bloch, G. 2012. Raalin, A Transcript Enriched In The Honey Bee Brain, Is A Remnant Of Genomic Rearrangement In Hymenoptera. Insect Molecular Biology, 21, 3, Pp. 305–318.
Yitshak Tirosh, Linial, Itai , Askenazi, Manor , and Linial, Michal . 2012. Short Toxin-Like Proteins Abound In Cnidaria Genomes. Toxins, 4, 11, Pp. 1367–1384.
Guy Naamati, Friedman, Yitzhak , Balaga, Ohad , and Linial, Michal . 2012. Susceptibility Of The Human Pathways Graphs To Fragmentation By Small Sets Of Micrornas. Bioinformatics, 28, 7, Pp. 983–990.
Ohad Balaga, Friedman, Yitzhak , and Linial, Michal . 2012. Toward A Combinatorial Nature Of Microrna Regulation In Human Cells. Nucleic Acids Research, 40, 19, Pp. 9404–9416.
Nadav Rappoport and Linial, Michal . 2012. Viral Proteins Acquired From A Host Converge To Simplified Domain Architectures. Plos Computational Biology, 8, 2, Pp. e1002364.
Manor Askenazi and Linial, Michal . 2011. Aristo. Nucleic Acids Research, 39, suppl\_2.
Manor Askenazi and Linial, Michal . 2011. Aristo: Ontological Classification Of Small Molecules By Electron Ionization-Mass Spectrometry. Nucleic Acids Research, 39, suppl\_2, Pp. W505–W510.
Regev Schweiger, Linial, Michal , and Linial, Nathan . 2011. Generative Probabilistic Models For Protein–Protein Interaction Networks—The Biclique Perspective. Bioinformatics, 27, 13, Pp. i142–i148.
Yosef Prat, Fromer, Menachem , Linial, Michal , and Linial, Nathan . 2011. Geometric Interpretation Of Gene Expression By Sparse Reconstruction Of Transcript Profiles. In International Conference On Research In Computational Molecular Biology, Pp. 355–357. Springer.
Ya'arit Nachum Biala, Bogoch, Yoel , Bejar, Corina , Linial, Michal , and Weinstock, Marta . 2011. Prenatal Stress Diminishes Gender Differences In Behavior And In Expression Of Hippocampal Synaptic Genes And Proteins In Rats. Hippocampus, 21, 10, Pp. 1114–1125.
Nadav Rappoport, Karsenty, Solange , Stern, Amos , Linial, Nathan , and Linial, Michal . 2011. Protonet 6.0: Organizing 10 Million Protein Sequences In A Compact Hierarchical Family Tree. Nucleic Acids Research, 40, D1, Pp. D313–D320.
Yosef Prat, Fromer, Menachem , Linial, Nathan , and Linial, Michal . 2011. Recovering Key Biological Constituents Through Sparse Representation Of Gene Expression. Bioinformatics, 27, 5, Pp. 655–661.
Manor Askenazi, Marto, Jarrod A, and Linial, Michal . 2010. The Complete Peptide Dictionary–A Meta-Proteomics Resource. Proteomics, 10, 23, Pp. 4306–4310.
Regev Schweiger and Linial, Michal . 2010. Cooperativity Within Proximal Phosphorylation Sites Is Revealed From Large-Scale Proteomics Data. Biology Direct, 5, 1, Pp. 6.
Menachem Fromer, Yanover, Chen , and Linial, Michal . 2010. Design Of Multispecific Protein Sequences Using Probabilistic Graphical Modeling. Proteins: Structure, Function, And Bioinformatics, 78, 3, Pp. 530–547.
Menachem Fromer and Linial, Michal . 2010. Exposing The Co-Adaptive Potential Of Protein–Protein Interfaces Through Computational Sequence Design. Bioinformatics, 26, 18, Pp. 2266–2272.
Yitzhak Friedman, Naamati, Guy , and Linial, Michal . 2010. Mirror: A Combinatorial Analysis Web Tool For Ensembles Of Micrornas And Their Targets. Bioinformatics, 26, 15, Pp. 1920–1921.
Nadav Rappoport, Fromer, Menachem , Schweiger, Regev , and Linial, Michal . 2010. Pandora: Analysis Of Protein And Peptide Sets Through The Hierarchical Integration Of Annotations. Nucleic Acids Research, 38, suppl\_2, Pp. W84–W89.
Guy Naamati, Askenazi, Manor , and Linial, Michal . 2010. A Predictor For Toxin-Like Proteins Exposes Cell Modulator Candidates Within Viral Genomes. Bioinformatics, 26, 18, Pp. i482–i488.
Alex Inberg and Linial, Michal . 2010. Protection Of Pancreatic $\Beta$-Cells From Various Stress Conditions Is Mediated By Dj-1. Journal Of Biological Chemistry, 285, 33, Pp. 25686–25698.
